About Us


Parental Care Consultants is an independent Geriatric Care Management company. We provide an elite service that everyone needs to ensure quality of life and peace of mind for both the client and their family.

Families today spend a great deal of time worrying about the needs of their elderly or ill family members. We have experienced, first hand the difficulties that can result from losing one’s independence. The ability to perform simple daily tasks and meet their own needs become nearly impossible.

Our primary goal is to improve quality of life for those facing the reality of aging. We become a resource for the client and the families. The RN Care Managers use their diverse backgrounds and knowledge of local resources to facilitate a solution for every need, from medical to mechanical. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week as needed. Parental Care Consultants is dedicated to helping Seniors to stay in their own homes by assisting them to cope with basic elements of daily living. We provide recommendations allowing them to maintain or increase independence, comfort and safety. Additionally, the RN Care Managers serve as the client’s advocate ensuring that appropriate care and services are provided. Care management has increased awareness of choices, reduced long term care costs, improved functional status, increased comfort level, reduced hospitalizations, and improved quality of life. In every instance, our first concern is the client. We show our concern through warmth, caring and respect for the client’s dignity… while we work to enrich their lives.

Sometimes taking the first step is the hardest thing to do. Our staff is here to help – in any way that we can. Call us today for more information or to schedule your free, confidential initial consultation. We will be happy to meet with you at your home, in the hospital or a place most convenient and comfortable for you.

We are also proud to introduce our new logo and website. Below is a comparison of our old and new website and logo:

When you can’t be there, we will.
Improving life, every day for every client.


Betsy G, New York
Rene’, you came into my mother’s home more than 6 years ago and found a highly disorganized situation. You calmly set about putting Mother’s life and household in order. She was gently weaned off smoking, wine, and an unhealthy diet. Her insulin injections became unnecessary and she became less moody and volatile due to more effective anxiety medications. You were always thinking of ways to make her happy and more comfortable. All in all I think the care from Parental Care Consultants raised the quality of life and extended her lifespan due to your quality of care. You certainly put her children’s minds at rest. So my brothers and I extend our sincere thanks for a job done well and more importantly with such a level of humanity. While we all hope that we will not ever need the level of care that Mother did, we would like to hope that if we did we could have such a dream team around us too. All our best wishes and thanks.