Covid-19 Policy


Parental Care Consultants is committed to the highest level of safety and protection against Covid-19.

 You have our commitment to provide managed home care in accordance with CDC and Local Covid-19 protocols as they pertain to your individual needs.

Parental Care Consultants ensures all our clients are safe and protected during this crisis. We are adhering to the Florida Department of Health and CDC guidelines which are:
+ Wear face coverings if social distancing is not possible both inside and outdoors
+ Refrain from gatherings of more than 10 people
+ Avoid closed spaces, crowded places and close contact settings
+ Wash hands for 20 seconds after any contact
+ Disinfect all contact surfaces in home

Parental Care Consultants supplies our clients with KN95 or N95 masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes and any other PPE equipment or supplies needed.
We have set up shopping services for all clients to decrease contact.

We monitor everyone providing direct care by ensuring that they are Covid tested weekly and report any symptoms of Covid to the Care Manager. Daily temperature screenings are also performed for all client care providers and visitors.

Care Managers are continuing to fill pillboxes, evaluate clients personally by assessing current health, functional and safety needs. We are especially monitoring emotional health due to social isolation from Covid-19 protocols.

Care Managers are coordinating Video conferencing and Telehealth visits with physicians in the privacy of our client’s home.
In person Physician visits are done only if necessary.

Care Managers are arranging safe in home social activities for clients to prevent loneliness and depression. We connect them with an activity via home computer or iPad.

Currently Covid-19 Vaccines are now available in Florida for persons 65 years of age or older. We are assisting all our clients to receive a vaccine.


Betsy G, New York
Rene’, you came into my mother’s home more than 6 years ago and found a highly disorganized situation. You calmly set about putting Mother’s life and household in order. She was gently weaned off smoking, wine, and an unhealthy diet. Her insulin injections became unnecessary and she became less moody and volatile due to more effective anxiety medications. You were always thinking of ways to make her happy and more comfortable. All in all I think the care from Parental Care Consultants raised the quality of life and extended her lifespan due to your quality of care. You certainly put her children’s minds at rest. So my brothers and I extend our sincere thanks for a job done well and more importantly with such a level of humanity. While we all hope that we will not ever need the level of care that Mother did, we would like to hope that if we did we could have such a dream team around us too. All our best wishes and thanks.